Scientific and technical literature is a variety of written works that are created as a result of human research, theoretical generalizations made using the scientific method. Scientific literature is necessary to inform scientists and specialists about the latest achievements of science, as well as to consolidate the priority for scientific discoveries.
The first scientific works were created in various genres: in the form of treatises, discourses, teachings, dialogues, travels, biographies, and even in poetic forms. But at present, the forms of scientific literature are standardized and consist of monographs, reviews, articles, reports (including their abstracts), abstracts, abstracts and various reviews. Technical literature is literature related to the field of technology and production (product catalogs, instructions for use, maintenance and repair, part catalogs.

Therefore, the main task of scientific and technical literature is the extremely clear and accurate translation and delivery of the information to the reader. It is important to understand that today engineers, builders, architects and other specialists whose work is related to machine tools, industrial equipment and various equipment, as well as the design and construction of buildings and structures of varying complexity, require great responsibility, attentiveness, the ability to competently approach a solution complex and ambiguous tasks.
Today, knowledge solves everything, and not just knowledge, but promptly obtained and necessarily reliable information, the main source of which has always been and continues to be scientific and technical literature. That is why every modern specialist must have a sufficient set of skills and knowledge. The whole problem is finding it. It is not always possible to find the required publication, especially since there is not always enough time for this. Our department has collected literature on technology, construction, energy, transport. The department is headed by the librarian Tatyana Vladimirovna Saltykova. She will provide each reader with qualified and prompt assistance in the selection of the necessary information.